Becoming a BPLA School Coach
School Coaching and Big Picture Learning Australia
Implementing the Big Picture Learning design in schools takes time: it involves deep change to thinking and practice for leaders, teachers and those that work with schools. These changes to thinking and practice need to be supported by changes to structure and culture. To assist each school with the implementation process, BPLA requires that each school, academy or program has access to an Accredited BPLA School Coach.
BPLA aims to support those who are interested in becoming a coach through the Coaching Development Program. There is a lot to learn and practise. Like all complex work it takes time, support and experience to develop.
The steps to becoming a BPLA School Coach are outlined on page 3 of the attached flyer below.
To register your interest in learning more about becoming a BPLA School Coach, click here and complete the form by 5pm, Monday 8th April.
The next Introduction to BPLA School Coaching Course will be: