From 11th march to 18th march 2025 our website will be migrating to new platform and hosting.
During this time you will not be able to register a new account for purchases or course access.
Please contact us by email - or phone on 02 9590 5341 for any resources or further information.
Thank you for your patience.
Big Picture USB Drive

$30.00 - including GST
The Big Picture USB Drive contains .pdf versions of informational resources provided to students and advisors of BPEA as well as various Big Picture media.
Some of these resources include:
- BPEA Planner
- The BPEA School Research Framework
- BPEA Posters and Flyers
- Video Interviews
- Project-based learning guides
- BPEA Curriculum Reports
Regular price: $30.00
Member price: $22.00