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Hobart City High School

228 New Town Road
New Town
Phone: (03) 6228 6842
School profile and context:
Hobart Big Picture is located in New Town with its entrance on the historic St. John’s Avenue. Taking the pure Big Picture Education approach and extending the Ogilvie High School program which has operated for the past decade, the program is co-ed and caters for Grade 9 to 12 students from the Greater Hobart area. The newly refurbished building is within the Ogilvie grounds, but separate from the main campus, with its own entrance. It includes advisory rooms, library, makerspace, student cafe and a variety of flexible learning areas.
Program description:
The academy is small by design, encouraging a sense of belonging and community where every student feels known, valued and important. Advisories have a maximum of 17 students and each student develops their own personalised learning program with guidance from their Advisor. Learning through internships, individual interest projects, mentor relationships and a focus on personal qualities create resilient young adults who find their place in the world and transition confidently to work, further training or tertiary study.