Play4Life: Pod

A note from our partners Play for Life about the delivery of their first play Pod. Pods are containers packed with open ended play equipment to inspire creativity and collaboration at playtimes

[img_assist|nid=353|title=Playpod|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=200|height=133]We launched our very first Pod in Australia last week in our first pilot school down in Beaumaris, Melbourne.  The Pod received an *ENORMOUS*reception from the kids, after a two week PR campaign around the school which ran with a teaser message, “The Pod is coming” but no details at all as to what the Pod actually was.

And finally, at our launch last Monday, all was revealed to 550 very excited primary school children.  The whole school eagerly gathered around our giant liquorice all-sorts-looking shipping container, chanting “Pod! Pod! Pod!” until the red ribbon was cut by Ian Hicks, from the George Hicks [img_assist|nid=354|title=|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=200|height=133]Foundation, (one of our funders).  We had some teachers in tears as they saw the immediate transformation on the playground and during the packing up time (completed in six minutes flat!), kids were coming up to me, gushing with things like, “This has been the *best* lunchtime I have had in my *whole*life! Is the Pod going to be open every day?!”

The Sunday Age ran a great story on Play for Life and the Pod yesterday.  In case you missed it, you can find it at this link: