Personalised videos to assist Big Picture schools
Personalised videos for BPEA schools
One the key roles of BPEA is supporting Big Picture schools with resources and tools to support and promote their work. In doing this, we work "one school at a time" and customise the materials to take account of different contexts.
Recently we produced a Big Picture promotional video tailored for Jordan River Learning Foundation, Senior School (formerly known as Bridgewater High School).
They used their personalised video at a "Business Forum" they created to encourage local businesses to commit to working alongside the school for the benefit of the community. This resource allowed them to communicate the key messages and benefits of the BP model powerfully and efficiently.
Here's what one teacher had to say -
We held a 'Business Forum' for community members and the film was an integral part of it. It was a special resource for creating a positive atmosphere and encouraging the participants to commit to working alongside the school for the benefit of the Bridgewater community.
Although the film was only 7 minutes long it set the scene in such a positive way for all that was to follow. It was professional, incredibly well structured, reinforcing the key messages - one student at a time in a community of learners, small by design and providing young people with clear futures - and it had some wonderful comments and vision of students, parents and mentors that showed clearly their enthusiasm, their wholehearted support and their optimism for the program.
After the film I was very careful to simply highlight the key messages and how all the elements of Big Picture could bring about positive outcomes for our kids. We kept it short, sweet and upbeat and gave everyone a chance to meet, mix and feel a part of something new and exciting.
This little film would be an amazing resource for any Big Picture or intending Big Picture School as it can be made to feel, look and taste local but has a message that can be used across many different audiences - from the students, parents and families, to community groups and businesses, to local, state and federal governments and funding groups and agencies.
Thanks Big Picture!
Cluny Addis
Jordan River Learning Federation, Senior School
For more information about the cost of this service, or other personalised materials please contact us here.
To view the video from Bridgewater please watch below: