From 11th march to 18th march 2025 our website will be migrating to new platform and hosting.
During this time you will not be able to register a new account for purchases or course access.
Please contact us by email - or phone on 02 9590 5341 for any resources or further information.
Thank you for your patience.
School services
Big Picture Education offers a range of personalised services for schools and organisations.
Media production services
Big Picture Education and Summer Hill Media are able to offer great deals for member schools on media production
We can work with you to produce great resources for your context. They might be:
- Testimonials from students, teachers and families
- A promotional or explainer video about Big Picture in your school
- Case studies celebrating successful internships, student projects or exhibition
- Customised brochures and info-packs
Learning space design
Big Picture Education has teamed up with Places Created for Learning (PCL) to innovate spaces for personalised learning in schools.
We offer consultations, staff workshops, as well as planning and design services tailored to individual schools.
School review services
Big Picture Education has partnered with Valad Consulting to offer a range of school review services.
These reviews are primarily to help schools review their implementation of the Big Picture Design for learning.
We offer one-off Foundation reviews and on-going regular reviews.