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Our goal
Our goal is to establish a Big Picture Learning stand-alone school in each of the broad urban districts of major cities, and in major regional centres (where there are at least three other high schools).
What is Big Picture Education about?
At Big Picture Learning we are implementing an innovative, internationally recognised design for learning based on research that shows we learn best when we are personally motivated.
Our design for learning puts students at the centre of decisions around what, how and when they learn. It’s amazing what young people achieve when they are happy and engaged.
We are nurturing the next generations of engaged, independent learners.
What sets Big Picture apart from other personalised learning approaches?
1. We keep our learning communities small. That’s what makes it ‘personal’. We want every child to feel ‘known’ and understood.
2. Our students regularly go out into the real world to learn about the things that excite them, and to experience the latest in thinking and technology.
3. We have our own end-of-school credential, The International Big Picture Learning Credential (IBPLC) which is warranted by the University of Melbourne and already accepted by 17 universities around Australia.
Don’t just take our word for it. Check out this video to hear what our students have to say.
How we operate
At Big Picture Learning we go where the interest is – whether that’s establishing an academy within an existing school, starting a stand-alone new school, or setting up an innovation hub in partnership with tertiary educators and industry.
Here are some key facts about us:
- Big Picture Learning is a charity. We rely on donations and revenue from services provided.
- We are already active in over 50 schools around Australia.
- We believe in keeping schools small by design.
- We work within education systems, often via invitation from a school principal.
- Our schools adhere to a set of 12 Distinguishers that describe the key principles of our design for learning.
- We advocate with government, we partner with universities, we collaborate with other innovators around education.
- We build networks between schools, business, industry and the community.
How you can help
To reach our goal we need to grow our support-base and spread the word.
Whether you are a parent, a student or an educator, you can make a difference.
You can:
Follow us on Facebook
Keep in touch on social media by following our regular posts on Facebook.
Subscribe to our e-news list
and let us know if you have any special skills or interests that you can contribute.
Network in your community
spread the word amongst parents, educators, principals, education departments and the wider world.
Our partners
Our work is made possible with the support of our key partners and their commitment to furthering quality, innovative education for young Australians