BPEA milestones

Hello BPEA members and friends,

We have some great results to share with you...

In October BPEA was successful in obtaining significant financial support from the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation! Their donation will allow Big Picture to continue growing new sites for Big Picture schooling, in particular in rural and regional Australia, and the initial donation is intended to be part of long-term support. In addition to this BPEA also continues to receive on-going support from the Caledonia Foundation. The support of these two philanthropic foundations will enable BPEA to make a difference to thousands of students, parents, teachers and communities. We congratulate all who were involved in this great result and thank the foundations for their support.

In September the Tasmanian Premier and Education Minister Peter Bartlett announced the first official “Big Picture” school in Australia - in Tasmania - to be built from the ground up! The school will have about 120 students and will be linked to a nearby high school. The announcement of this school is an important milestone and we look forward to continuing to work with the school as it develops. For more information please see the newspaper article attached.

BPEA's John Hogan is currently in America with a small group of teachers visiting Big Picture schools on a leadership development tour. We look forward to telling you all about their trip soon!

Thank you for your ongoing interest Big Picture Education Australia and our work.