Authentic Learning - Portrait of a BP student in NZ

Thank you to our NZ member school Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu for this great student story...

BP student Ngataiawa Watkins hails from Te Rangi Point, Kohukohu in the Hokianga. He had taken a Legal Studies course and expressed an interest in Law. After exploring setting up a shadow day at the local constabulary, he came to the conclusion he wasn't interested in law enforcement, but very interested in the law.

To pursue this further he recently travelled to Auckland for two days to investigate a career in Law - which included interviews with two qualified lawyers; taking a tour of the Auckland District Court and sitting in on a hearing; meeting with senior law lecturers at the University of Auckland and Waikato Law Faculties; and meeting with the Kaitakawaenga Maori (Maori Law Student Association Liaisons).

Dowload the attachment below to read more about his story...

PDF icon NZstudent_lawyer.pdf2.78 MB