From 11th march to 18th march 2025 our website will be migrating to new platform and hosting.
During this time you will not be able to register a new account for purchases or course access.
Please contact us by email - or phone on 02 9590 5341 for any resources or further information.
Thank you for your patience.

Big Picture Living for Australian schools
Big Picture Learning Australia is very excited to have launched Big Picture Living (BP-Living) in our Australian schools. This is a student-driven initiative aimed at promoting good health and wellbeing for Big Picture students.
BP – Living focusses on 6 key areas:
- healthy diet
- physical activity and exercise
- resilience & stress management
- sleep
- avoiding risky substances & behaviours
- healthy relationships and connectedness
BP Living provides the opportunity for students to demonstrate agency around healthy lifestyle choices and behaviours by sharing their knowledge and experiences throughout the Big Picture network in Australia.
Anyone who would like to explore or contribute to this program, please use the link to complete an expression of interest.